We are excited to announce that the NARM™ Therapist Training is returning to the Bay Area! We want to share our excitement with you about this powerful model for resolving attachment, relational and developmental trauma.
What Makes NARM Unique?
The NeuroAffective Relational Model™ (NARM™) is a dynamic theoretical and clinical model for moving beyond PTSD and addressing Complex Trauma (CPTSD). As introduced in the best-selling book Healing Developmental Trauma: How Early Trauma Affects Self-Regulation, Self-Image, and the Capacity for Relationship by Drs. Laurence Heller and Aline LaPierre, NARM™ is one of the very first models designed specifically for working with the legacy of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).
About the NARM Model
NARM™ is an integrative method that bridges psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, mindfulness-based and somatic approaches within a context of relational practice. The model outlines how early life experiences present themselves in the context of complex psychobiological patterns, otherwise thought of as personality or identity. These psychological, emotional, behavioral and somatic patterns, when impacted by traumatic attachment and relational experiences, shape our development, who we are in the world (our self), and how we relate to others. When clients are having difficulty making progress in therapy and shifting out of patterns of dysregulation and distress, these underlying developmental trauma dynamics are often at play and must be addressed.
Upcoming Events
We currently have two upcoming Introduction to NARM workshops scheduled in the Bay Area. These Introductory workshops will offer an overview of developmental trauma from a NARM™ perspective. As Dr. Jamal Granick reflected, “NARM is among the very best training I have encountered. The material is presented in a way that is digestible and immediately applicable in clinical practice. Perhaps the most valuable (and moving) to me is the deep respect NARM has for clients’ own capacity to heal, which is inherent in the model. This training has contributed enormously to my personal and professional development”
Workshop Format:
- Overview of NARM’s theoretical and clinical approach to developmental trauma
- Lecture and experiential exercises on each of the five adaptive survival styles
- Video demonstrations of the NARM™ approach with clients
You Will Learn About:
- Complex Trauma: The distinction between shock and developmental trauma
- The pitfalls of working with all forms of trauma without recognizing the complex developmental themes running in the background
- NARM’s roots in the fields of somatic psychology, psychodynamic psychology, and interpersonal neurobiology
- NARM’s five early adaptive survival styles, their corresponding identity distortions, and how they affect adult life
- Integrating a bottom-up (body-based) and top-down (cognitive or identity-based) therapeutic approach
NARM™ is open to mental health practitioners interested in working with complex trauma.
3 CEUs will be available at additional cost for those interested
- All attendees get a $50 discount on the Bay Area NARM Practitioner Training Event that begins June 2019. You will receive a coupon code by email after attending the event.
- Attendees also receive 14 days Complimentary FULL Access Membership to our Inner Circle Online program and $100 discount off our Inner Circle Online Program Annual Membership.
Friday, April 26, 2019
5:00 – 8:00 pm
Sunrise Center
645 Tamalpais Dr # A, Corte Madera, CA 94925
$50 – early-bird rate (before April 1, 2019)
$75 – standard rate (after April 1, 2019)
$50 – registered student/intern discount
Register for the April 26, 2019 Introduction to NARM Workshop Today!
If you are interested in deeper studying of NARM, or being trained as a NARM Practitioner, this will be a great opportunity to get more information about the NARM Practitioner Training that is returning to the Bay Area in June 2019
If you have any questions, please feel free to email admin@narmtraining.com
Thank you,admin@narmtraining.com
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