Reflection on 2018:
Gratitude and Excitement From the NARM Training Institute
2018 was a big year in many ways. One thing that feels extremely significant as a paradigm-shift in our field, and perhaps our greater society, is finally receiving the official recognition of Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD). Nearly 40 years after the APA controversially yet officially recognized PTSD as a mental disorder that required clinical treatment, the World Health Organization released the ICD-11 including the new CPTSD diagnosis this past summer.
This diagnosis has the potential to completely revolutionize the world of mental health. Understanding the long-term impact of unresolved early trauma is indeed a world health issue. Attachment, relational and developmental trauma – which crosses all cultures, religions and communities – impacts the neurobiological development of children and creates life-long patterns of disorganization within the body, mind and relationships.
A greater understanding of Complex Trauma can help us understand the underlying causes of so many of the disorders our clients and friends are struggling with. In addition, we might be able to address some of the social challenges of our time by introducing a trauma-informed perspective. What if we could help individuals dealing with mental health issues while at the same time help communities affected by social challenges like substance abuse, systemic injustice and violence?
For us, this brings great hope. Now that C-PSTD has been officially recognized, the next step is to finding treatments that are effectiv e at resolving Complex Trauma. We are confident that NARM is one of the key treatments for complex trauma,going forward.
While research on this is still in its infancy, we at the NARM Training Institute are buoyed by clinical reports and early research demonstrating how effective the NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM) is in resolving attachment, relational and developmental trauma. We have our first research article being published this year and will be engaging in new research projects during 2019. We have trained thousands of mental health clinicians throughout North America and Europe, and are continuing to expand our NARM training programs throughout the world. We will continue to build up an active online learning community – where people can learn more about NARM, how to integrate it into our practices and lives, because truly, we’re all in this together!
Thanks to each one of you for joining us in doing what we can to make the world a better place. We hope you’ll continue this important journey together with us in 2019 and beyond.
- We imagine you have heard about the NARM Inner Circle. Here is a sneak peak of a few of the next Inner Circle topics coming in 2019…
- NARM – A New Way of Understanding Burn-Out
- NARM – Unmanaged Empathy and Countertransference
- NARM – the Limitations of Behavioral-Oriented Therapies
- NARM – Understanding & Working with the Self-Sabotage/Self-Hatred Spectrum
- NARM – Resiliency and the Development of Increasing Psychobiological Capacity
- Group Consults for Current Students, Graduates and Asst. Trainers, still available
- Also, we at the NARM Training Institute, will be providing new session demonstrations focused with people that have complex presentations (“our most challenging clients”) through our NARM Inner Circle.
- We appreciate what you’re doing in the world to treat unresolved trauma!
Student Spotlight:

I began my career as a trauma therapist in 1997 and have been fortunate to have wonderful mentors and training experiences. In 2017, I started the NARM training because I wanted to bridge my love of relational psychodynamic therapy and body-oriented therapy to better help my clients. The NARM training exceeded my expectations and was a transformative experience for me. I appreciated the intentional focus on both the client’s and therapist’s survival strategies and how the interplay of those dynamics impact the therapeutic relationship. As a result of this training, I am now more connected to myself and others. One unexpected outcome was how connecte d I felt to my training team and cohort and fondly call the NARM movement, the “NARMY.” This was one of the most inspiring learning experiences I have ever had. When I find something this good, I like to share it and invite you to join the NARMY.
Upcoming Training
NARM Training Introductions
January 2019 – Bay Area, CA.
February 9, 2019 – Chicago, IL.
March 2019 – Phoenix, AZ.
April 2019 – Bay Area, CA.
April 27, 2019 – Chicago, IL.
April 30, 2019 – Austin, TX.
May 2019 – Phoenix, AZ.
Group consults starting in January
Whether you are a NARM Graduate, Student or Assistant Trainer you shouldn’t miss this valuable training with Brad and Stefanie through 2019.

June 2019
Corte Madera, California Training
Registration is open! Apply Now!
Our dates are as follows:
Wed. Jun. 12 – Sun. Jun. 16, 2019
Wed. Aug. 14 – Sun. Aug. 18, 2019
Wed. Nov. 6 – Sun Nov. 10, 2019
Wed. Feb. 5 – Sun. Feb. 9, 2020
Best Western Corte Madera Inn
56 Madera Blvd.
Corte Madera CA. 94925
415-891-5012 Fax 415-924-5419
Take advantage of the early bird pricing!! Click below to apply.
Apply for Bay Area, California Training Here
Chicago, Illinois Training
Our dates are as follows:
Wed July 24- Sun July 28 2019
Wed Oct. 2nd – Oct. 6th 2019
Wed Dec. 11th – Dec.15th 2019
Wed April 22nd – April 26th 2020
Heartwood Center
1818 Dempster Street
Take advantage of the early bird pricing!! Click below to apply.
Apply for the Chicago, Illinois Training Here
Phoenix, Arizona Training
Our dates are as follows:
Wed Aug 7th – Sun Aug 11th 2019
Wed Oct 23rd – Oct 27th 2019
Wed Feb 5th – Feb 9th 2020
Wed May 6th – May 10th 2020
If you have any suggestions, please email
Take advantage of the early bird pricing or start a payment plan!!
Click below to apply.
Apply for the Phoenix, Arizona Training Here
Seattle,Washington Training
Our dates are as follows:
Wed Dec 4th- Sun Dec 8th 2019
Wed March 18th – Mar 22nd 2020
Wed July 8th – July 12th 2020
Wed Oct 14th – Oct 18th 2020
If you have any suggestions, please email
Take advantage of the early bird pricing or start a payment plan!!
Click below to apply.
Apply for the Seattle, Washington Training Here
Austin, Texas Training
Our dates are as follows:
Wed Jan 15th – Sun Jan 19th, 2020
Wed April 1st – Sun April 5th, 2020
Wed July 15th – Sun July 19th, 2020
Wed Oct 7th – Oct 11th, 2020
Still Waters Retreat Center
9409 Granada Hills Drive
Austin, TX 78737
Take advantage of the early bird pricing or start a payment plan!!
Click below to apply.
Apply for the Austin, Texas Training Here